Release: EDGAR_2024_GHG of October 2024 Yearly Emissions gridmaps in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for the .txt files with longitude and latitude coordinates referring to the low-left corner of each grid-cell. Yearly Emissions gridmaps in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for the .NetCDF files with longitude and latitude coordinates referring to the cell center of each grid-cell. Emission flux gridmaps in kg substance /m2 /s for the .nc files with longitude and latitude coordinates referring to the cell center of each grid-cell. Reference: Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), release EDGAR_2024_GHG (1970 - 2023) of October 2024. EDGAR (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research) Community GHG Database, a collaboration between the European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and comprising IEA-EDGAR CO2, EDGAR CH4, EDGAR N2O, EDGAR F-GASES version 2024 European Commission, JRC (Datasets). The complete citation of the EDGAR Community GHG Database is available in the 'Sources and References' section. IEA-EDGAR CO2, a component of the EDGAR (Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research) Community GHG database version 2024 including or based on data from IEA (2023) Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy,, as modified by the Joint Research Centre. Users of the data are obliged to acknowledge the source of the data also with reference to the EDGAR website ( and/or relevant reports. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on IEA data from IEA (2023) World Energy Balances,, All rights reserved, as modified by Joint Research Centre, European Commission. How to cite: Crippa, M., Guizzardi, D., Pagani, F., Banja, M., Muntean, M., Schaaf, E., Monforti-Ferrario, F., Becker, W.E., Quadrelli, R., Risquez Martin, A., Taghavi-Moharamli, P., Köykkä, J., Grassi, G., Rossi, S., Melo, J., Oom, D., Branco, A., San-Miguel, J., Manca, G., Pisoni, E., Vignati, E. and Pekar, F., GHG emissions of all world countries, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2024, doi:10.2760/4002897, JRC138862. Users of the data are obliged to acknowledge the source of the data with a reference to the JRC EDGAR website ( Co-authorship and involvement of the EDGAR Team ( or in the emission data analysis is highly appreciated. EDGAR sector - description: IPCC 1996 code / IPCC 2006 code ----------------------------------------------------------- AGS - Agricultural soils: 4C+4D1+4D2+4D4 / 3C2+3C3+3C4+3C7 AWB - Agricultural waste burning: 4F / 3C1b CHE - Chemical processes: 2B / 2B ENE - Power industry: 1A1a / 1A1a ENF - Enteric fermentation: 4A / 3A1 IDE - Indirect emissions from NOx and NH3: 7B+7C / 5A IND - Combustion for manufacturing: 1A2 / 1A2 IRO - Iron and steel production: 2C1a+2C1c+2C1d+2C1e+2C1f+2C2 / 2C1+2C2 MNM - Manure management: 4B / 3A2 N2O - Indirect N2O emissions from agriculture: 4D3 / 3C5+3C6 PRO_FFF - Fuel exploitation (including fossil fuel fires): 1B1a+1B2a1+1B2a2+1B2a3+1B2a4+1B2c+7A / 1B1a+1B2aiii2+1B2aiii3+1B2bi+1B2bii+5B PRO_COAL - Fuel exploitation COAL: 1B1a / 1B1a PRO_GAS - Fuel exploitation GAS: 1B2c / 1B2bi+1B2bii PRO_OIL - Fuel exploitation OIL: 1B2a1+1B2a2+1B2a3+1B2a4 / 1B2aiii2+1B2aiii3 PRU_SOL - Solvents and products use: 3 / 2D3+2E+2F+2G RCO - Energy for buildings: 1A4 / 1A4+1A5 REF_TRF - Oil refineries and Transformation industry: 1A1b+1A1c+1A5b1+1B1b+1B2a5+1B2a6+1B2b5+2C1b / 1A1b+1A1ci+1A1cii+1A5biii+1B1b+1B2aiii6+1B2biii3+1B1c SWD_INC - Solid waste incineration: 6C+6Dhaz / 4C SWD_LDF - Solid waste landfills: 6A+6Dcom / 4A+4B TNR_Aviation_CDS - Aviation climbing&descent: 1A3a_CDS / 1A3a_CDS TNR_Aviation_CRS - Aviation cruise: 1A3a_CRS / 1A3a_CRS TNR_Aviation_LTO - Aviation landing&takeoff: 1A3a_LTO / 1A3a_LTO TNR_Other - Railways, pipelines, off-road transport: 1A3c+1A3e / 1A3c+1A3e TNR_Ship - Shipping: 1A3d+1C2 / 1A3d TRO - Road transportation: 1A3b / 1A3b WWT - Waste water handling: 6B / 4D