EDGAR v4.3.2_VOC_spec (January 2017)
Non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) include a large number of chemical species differing for their chemical composition and properties. The disaggregation of total NMVOC emissions into species is thus required to better model ozone and secondary organic aerosols formation. Region- and sector-specific NMVOC speciation profiles are here developed and applied to the EDGARv4.3.2 database, with the same sector resolution as the total NMVOC. The complete documentation on the speciation profiles and on the methodology used can be found in Huang et al. (ACP, 2017), while the list of 25 individual species or species groups used for the speciation is reported below.
List of GEIA 25 NMVOC groups with molecular formula:
GEIA ID | GEIA group | Molecular formula |
voc1 | Alkanols (alcohols) | CnH2n+1OH |
voc2 | Ethane | C2H6 |
voc3 | Propane | C3H8 |
voc4 | Butanes | C4H10 |
voc5 | Pentanes | C5H12 |
voc6 | Hexanes and higher alkanes | CnH2n+2 (n ≥ 6) |
voc7 | Ethene (ethylene) | C2H4 |
voc8 | Propene | C3H6 |
voc9 | Ethyne (acetylene) | C2H2 |
voc10 | Isoprenes | C5H8 |
voc11 | Monoterpenes | C10H16 |
voc12 | Other alk(adi)enes/alkynes (olefines) | CnH2n-2 |
voc13 | Benzene (benzol) | C6H6 |
voc14 | Methylbenzene (toluene) | C7H8 |
voc15 | Dimethylbenzenes (xylenes) | C6H4(CH3)2 |
voc16 | Trimethylbenzenes | C6H3(CH3)3 |
voc17 | Other aromatics | CnH2n-6 |
voc18 | Esters | R-C(=O)O-R' |
voc19 | Ethers (alkoxy alkanes) | R-O-R' |
voc20 | Chlorinated hydrocarbons | CH3Cl |
voc21 | Methanal (formaldehyde) | CH2O |
voc22 | Other alkanals (aldehyedes) | R-CHO |
voc23 | Alkanones (ketones) | R-C(=O)-R' |
voc24 | Acids (alkanoic) | R-CnHnCOOH |
voc25 | Other NMVOC (HCFCs, nitriles, etc.) | NA |
Notes: R and R’ denote functional groups. Where general formulae are not appropriate, the simplest molecular formula representing the group is provided. NA = not available |
The NMVOC EDGARv4.3.2 database includes all anthropogenic emissions with the exception of large scale biomass burning. As such, the following sectors are covered in the NMVOC dataset of EDGARv4.3.2: power generation (ENE), combustion for manufacturing industry (IND), energy for buildings (RCO), road transportation including evaporative emissions for gasoline related fuels (TRO), transformation industry (TRF), fugitive emissions from fuel exploitation (PRO), process emissions during production and application including production of chemicals, paper/food/iron and steel production/ solvent use (PPA), oil refineries (REF), agricultural waste burning (AWB), shipping including both domestic and international shipping (SHIP), railways/ pipelines and off-road transport (TNR_OTH), fossil fuel fires (FFF), waste solid and wastewater (SWD), aviation differentiating among climbing and descent (TNR_AVI_CDS), cruise (TNR_AVI_CRS), landing and take-off (TNR_AVI_LTO) and supersonic (TNR_AVI_SPS).
For each NMVOC species emissions timeseries (1970-2012) by sector and country are provided in an overview table (.xls).
Emission country totals are expressed in kton substance / year.
The IPCC 1996 code is used for specification of the sectors (as done before for v4.2).
For each NMVOC species annual total gridmaps (1970,1980,1990,2000-2012) are provided as .txt and .netCDF files with spatial resolution of 0.1degree x 0.1degree.
Emission gridmaps are expressed in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for the .txt files and in kg substance /m2 /s for the .nc files.
For each sector annual gridmaps (1970,1980,1990,2000-2012) are provided for each NMVOC species as .txt and .netCDF files with spatial resolution of 0.1degree x 0.1degree.
For each sector monthly gridmaps for the year 2010 are provided for each NMVOC species as .txt and .netCDF files with spatial resolution of 0.1degree x 0.1degree.
Emission gridmaps are expressed in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for the .txt files and in kg substance /m2 /s for the .nc files.
Huang, G., Brook, R., Crippa, M., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Schieberle, C., Dore, C., Guizzardi, D., Muntean, M., Schaaf, E., and Friedrich, R.: Speciation of anthropogenic emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds: a global gridded data set for 1970–2012, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 7683–7701, doi:10.5194/acp-17-7683-2017, 2017
For more information or data: JRC-EDGAR@ec.europa.eu