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AgrEE tool - Agricultural Emission Estimation tool (EU Login required)

The Agricultural Emission Estimation (AgrEE) tool calculates agricultural emissions for the main air pollutants under the National Emissions reduction Commitments Directive (NECD) (NH3, NOx, NMVOC, PM2.5, SO2), other pollutants (PM10, TSP, CO, Heavy metals, Dioxins, POPs) and greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O), applying the EMEP/EEA Guidebook and IPCC Guidelines methodologies. The AgrEE tool aims at supporting Member States in their official emission reporting, allowing the extraction of the results in the Annex I reporting template.

EDGAR contributed to research projects with advice on emission gridmaps and timeseries.

H2020 Projects

FP7 Projects

FP6 Projects

Covenant of Mayors

Trends and Drivers

Macroregions of Europe