EDGARv6.0 provides emissions of the three main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O) and fluorinated gases per sector and country. Annual time series and emission gridmaps are provided by sector, as well as monthly data for the last available year.
EDGARv5.0 provides emissions of the three main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) per sector and country from 1970 to 2015. Annual time series and emission gridmaps are provided by sector, as well as monthly data for the last available year.
EDGAR v4.3.2 GHG (published in 2017) In EDGARv4.3.2 emissions are calculated for the three main greenhouse gases per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2014) (link), whereas the activity data for the agricultural sectors originate mainly from FAO (2014). Additional information can be found in Janssens-Maenhout et al., (ESSD, 2017).
EDGARv4.2(published in 2011) In EDGARv4.2 emissions are calculated for (1) direct greenhouse gases, (2) ozone precursor gases and (3) acidifying gases. Major differences between v4.2 and the earlier EDGAR dataset v4.1 consist in (a) an update of the emissions database of greenhouse gases and the traditional air pollutants, and (b) an extension of the time series till 2008. The EDGARv4.2 emissions are calculated based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2010) (link).
EDGAR v4.1In EDGARv4.1 emissions are calculated for (1) direct greenhouse gases, (2) ozone precursor gases and (3) acidifying gases. For each group an overview table presents the status of data available for download. Major differences between v4.1 and the earlier EDGAR dataset v4.0 consist in (a) an update of the greenhouse gases and (b) an addition of the traditional air pollutants.
EDGAR v4.0includes country- and sector-specific emissions of the greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6. With a technology-based approach this dataset combines scientific information and data from international statistics on energy production and consumption, industrial manufacturing, agricultural production, waste treatment and disposal and burning of biomass to provide a complete historical emission trend from 1970 until 2005 for all countries in the world in a comparable and consistent manner. The emissions are gridded for each of the gases and all years.
Air Pollutants
v6.1_AP 1970-2018 (Gases and Aerosols)EDGARv6.1 provides emissions for the air pollutants (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC) from 1970 to 2018 by sector and country. Annual time series and emission gridmaps are provided by sector, as well as monthly data for the last available year.
v5.0_AP 1970-2015 (Gases and Aerosols)EDGARv5.0 provides emissions for the air pollutants (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC, OC) from 1970 to 2015 by sector and country. Annual time series and emission gridmaps are provided by sector, as well as monthly data for the last available year.
v4.3.2_VOC_spec NMVOC speciated 1970-2012Region- and sector-specific NMVOC speciation profiles are here developed and applied to the EDGAR database. Here we provide the 1970-2012 time series and annual gridmaps for 25 NMVOC species using the EDGAR speciation profiles applied to the EDGARv4.3.2 data. Monthly data are also available for the year 2010.
Global Emissions EDGAR v4.3.1
In EDGAR v4.3.1 emissions are calculated for gaseous and particulate air pollutants per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2014), whereas the activity data for the agricultural sectors originate mainly from FAO (2012).
RETROSPECTIVE SCENARIOS: the EU air quality legislation in a global perspective v1The EDGARv4.3.1 global anthropogenic emission inventory of several gaseous (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3) and particulate (PM10, PM2.5, BC and OC) air pollutants has been used to develop retrospective emission scenarios for the years 1970-2010 to quantify the effectiveness of emission reduction measures, change in fuel consumptions and technological developments on air quality emissions, and their impact on health, crops, and climate. Based on statistics and expert knowledge, EDGARv4.3.1 considers changes in activity data, fuel and air pollution abatement technology, as it likely happened during the past 4 decades. Additionally, three retrospective scenarios are created, the first simulating the complete stagnation of technology (STAG_TECH: lack of abatement measures and no improvement in emission standards), the second assuming constant fuel mixture and consumption as they were in 1970 (STAG_FUEL: no change in human activities), and the third considering unchanged energy consumption since 1970, but assuming the technological development, end-of-pipe reductions, fuel mix and energy efficiency of 2010 (STAG_ENERGY).
EDGAR v4.2 (published in 2011) In EDGARv4.2 emissions are calculated for (1) direct greenhouse gases, (2) ozone precursor gases and (3) acidifying gases. For each group an overview table presents the status of data available for download. Major differences between v4.2 and the earlier EDGAR dataset v4.1 consist in (a) an update of the emissions database of greenhouse gases and the traditional air pollutants, and (b) an extension of the time series till 2008. The EDGARv4.2 emissions are calculated based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2010) (link)
EDGAR v4.1 In EDGARv4.1 emissions are calculated for (1) direct greenhouse gases, (2) ozone precursor gases and (3) acidifying gases. For each group an overview table presents the status of data available for download. Major differences between v4.1 and the earlier EDGAR dataset v4.0 consist in (a) an update of the greenhouse gases and (b) an addition of the traditional air pollutants.
Toxic Pollutants
EDGAR Toxic Pollutants v4.tox2 MercuryMercury emission is a global issue. Mitigation of mercury is addressed internationally by actions stipulated in the Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution Convention, Protocol on Heavy Metals of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), complemented and extended to the global level by the provisions of the Minamata Convention of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP). This framework streamlines the efforts towards reducing the harmful impacts of mercury and its compounds on human health and the environment at global, regional and local scales.
EDGARv4.tox1The EDGAR Team compiled the global mercury emission inventory, which is included in EDGARv4.tox1; three different forms of mercury have been distinguished: gaseous elemental mercury, gaseous oxidized mercury and particle bound mercury. The paper "Trend analysis from 1970 to 2008 and model evaluation of EDGARv4 global gridded anthropogenic mercury emissions" published open access in Science of the Total Environment (link), describes this emission inventory and the results of its evaluation with GEOS-Chem global 3-D mercury model.
EDGAR-HTAP_V1 (June 2011)The EDGAR-HTAP project compiled a global emission dataset with annual inventories for CH4, NMVOC, CO, SO2, NOx, NH3, PM10, PM2.5, BC and OC and covering the period 2000-2005 using, to the extent possible, official or scientific inventories at the national or regional scale that are likely to be acceptable for policy makers in each region of the world.