In EDGARv4.3.2 emissions are calculated for the three main greenhouse gases per sector and country. For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2014) (link), whereas the activity data for the agricultural sectors originate mainly from FAO (2014). Additional information can be found in Janssens-Maenhout et al., (ESSD, 2017).
Conditions of emission data use and code of conduct
Users of the data are obliged to acknowledge the source of the data with a reference to the EDGARv4.3.2 website ( and to the DOI (doi:10.2904/JRC_DATASET_EDGAR) and to the following scientific publication: Janssens-Maenhout, G., Crippa, M., Guizzardi, D., Muntean, M., Schaaf, E., Dentener, F., Bergamaschi, P., Pagliari, V., Olivier, J. G. J., Peters, J. A. H. W., van Aardenne, J. A., Monni, S., Doering, U., and Petrescu, A. M. R.: Global Atlas of the three major Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the period 1970-2012, Earth System Science Data, essd-2017-79, submitted, 2017. Co-authorship and/or involvement in scientific publications using these data are very much appreciated..
Timeseries 1970-2012
For each substance, emissions timeseries (1970-2012) by sector and country are provided in an overview table (.xls).
Notes: Emission country totals are expressed in kton substance / year. The IPCC 1996 code is used for specification of the sectors.
Annual gridmaps 1970-2012
For each substance annual gridmaps (1970-2012) are provided.
Notes: Emission gridmaps are expressed in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for the .txt files and in kg substance /m2 /s for the .nc files.
Annual sector-specific gridmaps (1970-2012) and monthly sector-specific gridmaps (2010)
For each sector annual gridmaps (1970-2012) are provided for all substances. For each sector monthly gridmaps (2010) are provided for all substances.
Notes: Emission gridmaps are expressed in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for annual .txt files and in kg substance /m2 /s for all the .nc files. The IPCC 1996 code is used for specification of the sectors.
- 1A1a
Power industry - 1A1b+1A1c+1A5b1+1B1b+1B2a5+1B2a6+1B2b5+2C1b
Oil refineries & Transformation industry - 1A2
Combustion for manufacturing - 1A3a_CDS
Aviation climbing&descent - 1A3a_CRS
Aviation cruise - 1A3a_LTO
Aviation landing&takeoff - 1A3a_SPS
Aviation supersonic - 1A3b
Road transportation - 1A3c+1A3e
Railways, pipelines, off-road transport - 1A3d+1C2
Shipping - 1A4+1A5+1A3e
Energy for buildings - 1B1a+1B2a1+1B2a2+1B2a3+1B2a4+1B2c
Fuel exploitation - 2A
Non-metallic minerals production - 2B
Chemical processes - 2C1a+2C1c+2C1d+2C1e+2C1f+2C2
Iron and steel production - 2C3+2C4+2C5
Non-ferrous metals production - 2G
Non energy use of fuels - 3
Solvents and products use - 4A
Enteric fermentation - 4B
Manure management - 4C+4D
Agricultural soils - 4D3
Indirect N2O emissions from agriculture - 4F
Agricultural waste burning - 6A+6D
Solid waste landfills - 6B
Waste water handling - 6C
Solid waste incineration - 7A
Fossil Fuel Fires - 7B+7C
Indirect emissions from NOx and NH3
Sources and references
Janssens-Maenhout, G., Crippa, M., Guizzardi, D., Muntean, M., Schaaf, E., Dentener, F., Bergamaschi, P., Pagliari, V., Olivier, J., Peters, J., van Aardenne, J., Monni, S., Doering, U., Petrescu , R., Solazzo, E., and Oreggioni, G.: EDGAR v4.3.2 Global Atlas of the three major Greenhouse Gas Emissions for the period 1970-2012, Earth Syst. Sci. Data , 11, 959-1002, doi:10.5194/essd-11-959-2019 , 2019.
For more information or data: