European Commission
EDGAR - Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research
  • Dataset

Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

EDGAR v5.0


EDGARv5.0 provides emissions of the three main greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) per sector and country.

CO2 emissions are provided separately for CO2_excl_short-cycle_org_C and CO2_short-cycle_org_C. Emissions of CO2_excl_short-cycle_org_C include all fossil CO2 sources, such as fossil fuel combustion, non-metallic mineral processes (e.g. cement production), metal (ferrous and non-ferrous) production processes, urea production, agricultural liming and solvents use. Large scale biomass burning with Savannah burning, forest fires, and sources and sinks from land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) are excluded.

For the energy related sectors the activity data are mainly based on the energy balance statistics of IEA (2017) (Internet: link), whereas the activity data for the agricultural sectors originate mainly from FAO (2018) (Internet: link). Additional information can be found in Crippa et al. (2019).

Compared to EDGARv4.3.2 new temporal profiles are included to compute monthly emissions (Crippa et al., 2019, submitted) and new spatial proxies are used to distribute population-related emissions based on the Global Human Settlements Layer product (Pesaresi et al., 2019).

Conditions of emission data use and code of conduct

Users of the data are obliged to acknowledge the source of the data with a reference to the EDGARv5.0 website (link) to Crippa et al. (2019) and to the DOI (link).

Co-authorship and involvement of the EDGAR Team in the emission data analysis is highly appreciated. User’s comments and requests can be sent via email to the authors.

Time series 1970-2015

Annual gridmaps 1970-2015

Annual (and monthly) sector-specific gridmaps

Sources and references

Crippa, M., Oreggioni, G., Guizzardi, D., Muntean, M., Schaaf, E., Lo Vullo, E., Solazzo, E., Monforti-Ferrario, F., Olivier, J.G.J., Vignati, E., Fossil CO2 and GHG emissions of all world countries - 2019 Report, EUR 29849 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, ISBN 978-92-76-11100-9, doi:10.2760/687800, JRC117610.

Crippa, M., Solazzo, E., Huang, G., Guizzardi, D., Koffi, E., Muntean, M., Schieberle, C., Friedrich, R., Janssens-Maenhout, G.: High resolution temporal profiles in the Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EDGAR), Nature Scientific Data, 2019, doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0462-2.

Pesaresi, Martino; Florczyk, Aneta; Schiavina, Marcello; Melchiorri, Michele; Maffenini, Luca (2019): GHS-SMOD R2019A - GHS settlement layers, updated and refined REGIO model 2014 in application to GHS-BUILT R2018A and GHS-POP R2019A, multitemporal (1975-1990-2000-2015). European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC) doi:10.2905/42E8BE89-54FF-464E-BE7B-BF9E64DA5218.


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