the EU air quality legislation in a global perspective
The EDGARv4.3.1 global anthropogenic emission inventory of several gaseous (SO2, NOx, CO, NMVOC, NH3) and particulate (PM10, PM2.5, BC and OC) air pollutants has been used to develop retrospective emission scenarios for the years 1970-2010 to quantify the effectiveness of emission reduction measures, change in fuel consumptions and technological developments on air quality emissions, and their impact on health, crops, and climate.
Based on statistics and expert knowledge, EDGARv4.3.1 considers changes in activity data, fuel and air pollution abatement technology, as it likely happened during the past 4 decades. Additionally, three retrospective scenarios are created, the first simulating the complete stagnation of technology (STAG_TECH: lack of abatement measures and no improvement in emission standards), the second assuming constant fuel mixture and consumption as they were in 1970 (STAG_FUEL: no change in human activities), and the third considering unchanged energy consumption since 1970, but assuming the technological development, end-of-pipe reductions, fuel mix and energy efficiency of 2010 (STAG_ENERGY).
The following scenarios are here considered:
Data from these scenarios are available in the following tables as:
The considered emission sectors are the ones of EDGARv4.3.1:
Remark: The retrospective scenarios are available in 2 versions differing only for some proxies used to spatially distribute the emissions. The first version of this dataset has been published in the paper by Crippa et al. 2016 ( The second version (downloadable at the current webpage) considers the same emissions of version 1, but updated gridmaps are reported. Therefore the two datasets are compatible as total emissions (ktons) but not as spatial distribution.
In addition version 2 provides separate emissions for NMVOC deriving from long and short cycle carbon (named here as NMVOC_fossil and NMVOC_bio, respectively). Moreover, the non-road transport sector has been split into shipping, aviation (distributing emissions for the three flight phases: takeoff/landing (LTO), climb-out/descending (CDS) and cruise (CRS)) and the remaining part (TNG). Civil supersonic aviation is also considered (SPS).
We recommend using retrospective scenarios version 2 for modeling purposes being consistent with the EDGARv4.3.1 that is an intermediate step to the most recent release of EDGARv4.3.2 (coming soon). Version v1 of these scenarios is available on request to the authors.
Note 1: Definition of particulate matter species: PM10 includes all particles with diameter up to 10 micrometer, PM2.5 all particles with diameter up to 2.5 micrometer, BC includes all elemental carbon (part of PM2.5), OC includes all organic carbon (also a part of PM2.5). The different species PM10, PM2.5, BC and OC are not additive and the sum of BC and OC is not significantly larger than PM2.5.
Note 2: A scientific publication with a more extensive description of the scenarios is available at Monica Crippa, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Frank Dentener, Diego Guizzardi, Katerina Sindelarova, Marilena Muntean, Rita Van Dingenen, Claire Granier: Forty years of improvements in European air quality: regional policy-industry interactions with global impacts, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 3825-3841, doi:10.5194/acp-16-3825-2016, 2016.
Users of the data are obliged to acknowledge the source of the data with a reference to the JRC PEGASOS website and to the following scientific publication:
Monica Crippa, Greet Janssens-Maenhout, Frank Dentener, Diego Guizzardi, Katerina Sindelarova, Marilena Muntean, Rita Van Dingenen, Claire Granier: Forty years of improvements in European air quality: regional policy-industry interactions with global impacts, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 3825-3841, doi:10.5194/acp-16-3825-2016, 2016.
Co-authorship and/or involvement in scientific publications using these data are very much appreciated. User's comments and requests can be sent via email to the authors. The emission scenario datasets should not be passed to third parties or projects without notification to the data provider.
For each substance, emissions by sector and country are provided for the STAG_TECH, STAG_ENERGY and REFERENCE scenarios in an overview table for the year 2010 (.xls). 1970 emissions are also reported for comparison.
Annual and monthly gridmaps of the STAG_TECH and STAG_ENERGY scenarios (year 2010) are provided for the power generation (ENE), manufacturing industry (IND) and road transport (TRO) sectors and for all substances.
Notes: Emission gridmaps are expressed in ton substance / 0.1degree x 0.1degree / year for the .txt files and in kg substance /m2 /s for the .nc files. The IPCC 1996 code is used for specification of the sectors (as done before for v4.2).
For more information or data: